Hopea ponga(English)


Scientific Name: Hopea ponga
Synonym: Hopea wightiana
Local Name: പോങ്ങ്, ഇലപൊങ്ങ്, ഇരുമ്പകം,ഈയകം
Family: Dipterocarpaceae
Habitat: Evergreen and Semi-evergreen forests especially along streams and rivers and also seen in Sacred Groves. Endemic to Western Ghats.
Habit: Evergreen lofty tree
Ecological significance: Larval Host plant of many  butterflies including Large Oak Blue, Centuare Oak blue, Long Banded Silverline.
Economic Importance: Like Thampakam (Hopea parviflora) its timber is very hard and durable and used for constructing wooden bridges and Elephat Crals.
Blaze on the bark
Leaves: Alternate 



Kerala Forest & Wildlife Department 
Social Forestry Division