Syzigium cumini (in English)
Scientific Name: Syzigium cumini
Synonyms:Syzigium fruticosum
Family: Myrtaceae
Local Names: ഞാവൽ, ഞാറ (Malayalam)
Habit: Medium sized evergreen tree
Habitat: Evergreen to Dry deciduous forests and also cultivated for its fruits.
Ecological Importance:
- Jamun is the larval host plant for many butterflies including Large Oak Blue, Centuare Oak Blue, Long Banded Silverline etc.
- It provides fleshy fruits to birds and animals during rainy season.
Economic Importance:
Fruits are edible and is used to make pickles, jam and vinegar.
Seeds, leaves and bark are anti-diabetic
Leaves used as fodder.
Inflorescence |
fruits |
As per Indian Astrology, Jamun is the Star tree of the birth star Rohini
(List of Star Trees)
Kerala Forest & Wildlife Department
Research Unit, Peermade