Persea macrantha (English version)

Large Flowered Bay Tree
Local Names : കുളമാവ്, ഊറാവ് ()
Scientific Name : Persea macrantha
Synonym : Persea macrantha
Family: Lauraceae
Habitat: Evergreen, Semi-evergreen forests upto 2000m MSL
 Habit :  Large evergraan tree grows upto 30 m and forms canopy layer.
Importance: Medicinal plant
Ecological significance: It is a larval host plant of butterflies like Common Mime , Southern Blue Bottle etc
Dried Bark is used to make agarbathies. Tannin taken from the bark is used to leather industries.
Leaves, bark and wood have medicinal properties and are used in the traditional medicine for the treatment of  joint pain, fracture, ulcer, mental illness, cough etc. The flavanoides present in plants have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer activity. Steroids present in the plant  block cholesterol absorption sites in the intestine helping to reduce cholesterol in humans. 
Leaves clustered in the terminal of twigs

Kerala Forest Department
Social Forestry Division